ü Fully complying with EN300429/ITU-T J.83A
ü 4 adjacent channel QAM carrier
ü 4×ASI inputs and 188/204byte TS packet support
ü DVB-S/-S2/-C/-T RF input (optional)
ü Accurate PCR adjusting support
ü 16/32/64/128/256 QAM constellation support
ü Symbol rate adjustment range: 5.0Msps~7.0Msps
ü PSI/SI editing support
ü RF output frequency range: 48MHz~860MHz in 1kHz step
ü RF output level range: -16dBm~0dBm(each carrier) in 0.5dB step
ü Excellent RF output performance index, MER≥40dB
ü LCD & Keyboard operation
ü NMS support